Vil du miste din kryptovaluta under krigen mellem Rusland og Ukraine?

Fredrick Awino

The Russia Ukraine war has really taken a toll on the lives of many, especially the Ukrainians. But the effect is not only felt at the scene of war alone, it has sent shockwaves very many miles away — as far as Australia. But how? Just imagine a cryptocurrency investor who put all his lifetime savings into crypto with the high hopes to rake in fortunes as many people are doing. It was never clear how the war would affect virtual currencies.

Ukraine-Russia was and the crypto worries

The war between Ukraine and Russia has evoked a key talking point about active crypto investors as well as those eying the venture. The questions border on crypto’s key selling point as a global currency that is not beholden to any state authority. So an investor will be wondering who will rescue the crypto investments from going down the drain should the war affect their value. Let’s digest facts about likely scenarios with crypto during and after the war.

Volatilitet af krypto på grund af Ukraine Rusland-krigen

Volatiliteten af enhver kryptovaluta er essensen af dens værdi som et aktiv. Denne volatilitet er et resultat af aktuelle anliggender, der sker over hele kloden, såsom krigen mellem Ukraine og Rusland. Faktisk udløste kun spekulationerne om, at der var en mulighed for, at Rusland skulle invadere Ukraine, turbulensen på kryptomarkedet.

Af frygt og ren overflod af forsigtighed gik investorer i krypto til handling, der førte til fald i værdien af bitcoin og Ethereum. De to valutaer har været i et opadgående momentum siden da, men ingen kan med sikkerhed sige, hvordan tingene vil udvikle sig, efterhånden som krigen eskalerer.

Rusland bruger krypto for at undgå sanktioner

Russia and some of its targeted citizens have borne the brunt of having invaded Ukraine. Europe, USA and their allies have slapped the country with just so many sanctions intended to cut President Putin to size. But questions are out on the streets on whether crypto could be a life savior for the bewildered Russia. Sorry, it will not save them.

Cryptocurrency blockchain is a system that is entrenched by complex algorithms. This means that any transaction performed on crypto blockchain is traceable. No entity can try to outsmart the sanctions. In the unlikely event that the system could be infiltrated, the crypto exchanges too will have a duty to live up to their ethical duty. It is expected that cryptocurrency exchanges are on high alert to profile such malicious transactions.

Another reason why crypto could not save Russia against the sanctions is that the amounts available of such digital currencies can not support the country’s economy. You remember the halving of bitcoins for example? And the pre-set quantity minted in its lifetime? Pooh… .Russia will just have to find other ways of saving their economy, but not through crypto.

Investering i krypto under krigen mellem Rusland og Ukraine

Det lyder måske for vovet djævelsk at tale om muligheden for at investere i krypto i disse usikre tider med krig. Du har muligvis en ven eller slægtning, der nu har travlt med at likvidere aktiver, bare hvis de kunne blive fanget eller miste værdi til krigen i Ukraine. Men ved du hvad? De har måske misset noget realitetstjek.

I begyndelsen af krigen mellem Ukraine og Rusland var alt usikkert. Faktisk var der en vanvittig chokbølge sendt på tværs af børser, og DOW registrerede dramatiske mønstre. Som det altid er tilfældet, er aktiemarkederne meget følsomme over for spørgsmål som krig. Bitcoin og Ethereum mistede deres værdi drastisk, men er siden kommet sig overbevisende. Men er det det rigtige tidspunkt at investere i krypto?

Med videnshatten er krypto en risikabel investering ligesom enhver anden, men dens værdi kommer fra volatilitet, det er meget let at blive forvirret. Simpelthen, jo mere ustabilt, jo større er chancerne for at tjene formuer eller tabe så voldsomt. Og hvad så?

Vi er allerede 2 måneder inde i krigen mellem Ukraine og Rusland og tæller stadig. Allerede nu er det muligt at identificere mønstre i ydeevnen af store kryptoer i denne krigstid. For eksempel er bitcoin og Ethereum faldet betydeligt i værdi efter et indledende fald. Så dette kunne være et fingerpeg om, at krypto muligvis vinder terræn og trodser krigens hærgen. Det eneste, en investor skal gøre nu, er at passe på og se mønstrene i de næste par måneder, før han beslutter sig for at sætte penge ind eller tilføje mere til eksisterende investeringer.

Future of cryptocurrency amidst Russia-Ukraine was

Wars by their nature create new things, destroy some or reshape existing ones. The Ukraine-Russia war undoubtedly will change a lot of things. As a result of the war for example, the Russian ruble has plummeted and Ukrainian hryvnia is not sparred either. Nobody is sure how low the war will undermine the utility of their home currency.

Today, there is an insane level of activity at the various cryptocurrency exchanges . People want to change their local money into a currency that promises to remain relatively stable even during and after the war-cryptocurrency is offering this option.

If what is happening now that people are increasingly attaching more value to cryptocurrency at the time of war, more of such may happen in future. In cases where you highly anticipate a great fall in the value of your local currency, perhaps it’s the right time to try cryptocurrency.

In the event that Russia somehow succeeds in using crypto to avoid international sanctions slapped on it by the west, this will send a lot of shock waves. Already, cryptocurrency has to deal with challenges to its being used as an alternative currency and security questions about it. For example, India, with its great wealth of technologists has been very wary of crypto. A success, even a bit by Russia using it in avoiding sanctions will spell doom for crypto proliferation going forward. let’s watch this space and see how crypto navigates the storm caused by the Russia-Ukraine war.

Så kan du miste din kryptoinvestering?

Maybe it is not yet clear from reading whether you stand a chance to lose money to the Russia-Ukraine war. Of course, I already warned about the lack of a straightforward answer to this, as much as it may be badly needed.

The simple point is this; cryptocurrency naturally increase in volatility whenever any economy of the world experiences a shaking. Remember, stock markets rely on stability and predictability to have a clear picture of what is likely to happen next. At times of war, everything goes and a lot of speculation happens — this probably tells why Bitcoin and Ethereum plummeted at first.

As a cryptocurrency investor, the last guard you have is the gut instinct and risk appetite. You may gain crazily during the war period as is now yet losses too can abound. Just take your time to monitor the performance of the crypto investment. If you reasonably or instinctively feel a further slump will occur, make the move. It may just be necessary to liquidate or transfer the crypto investments to their more stable and predictable stocks.

Author Fredrick Awino