Kriptovalūtas maka koplietošana, mežonīga ideja?

Fredrick Awino

You, me, and they are in the long process of trying to understand what possibilities cryptocurrency offers different from the traditional paper and metal money. Normal financial systems especially banks across the world have a provision for people to open a shared or rather joint account. There are always properly stated guidelines to be followed for opening and operating such accounts as assigning signatories and witnessed to any transactions.

In the growing world of cryptocurrency, the crypto wallet is what you would normally call a bank account. It is here that acts as an operations base from where coins are stored and transacted. To have a crypto wallet, an investor chose a preferred crypto exchange, opens the account and starts the long process of dealing in whichever coins of choice.

Sensitīva informācija par kriptovalūtu

Neatkarīgi no tā, kuru kriptovalūtu izvēlas tirgot, digitālais maciņš, no kura notiek pārdošanas un pirkšanas darbības, ir ļoti jutīgs. Tāpat kā parasta banku sistēma, bankas vienmēr prasīs jums kā klientam būt ļoti uzmanīgiem ar kontiem un PIN.

The level of sensitivity of bitcoin wallets is even much more than a bank account because there is no third party such as a bank to intervene should your access codes be compromised. Every cryptocurrency owner is provided with a private key which is very difficult to guess off head . The private key is randomly generated.

To be brutally honest and straight up, you lose your crypto wallet private key and that’s how you forget about your investment. Was that too cryptic? I guess not. It is the private keys that keeps you exclusively in control of your coins. So, this private key must at all times remain “under lock and key” all times because letting anyone else to know it is just like walking down street with pure gold openly on your hands with no security.

Kāpēc jūsu privātā maka atslēga ir svarīga?

Šodien tirgū pieejamās kriptovalūtas galvenais uzdevums bija apiet nepieciešamību pēc bankas iestādes. Tāpēc jums kā investoram ir tieša mijiedarbība ar jūsu monētām, kas tiek publiski izplatītas citiem investoriem, tāpat kā jūs, kas esat šajā blokķēdē.

Nepadarot to sarežģītu, jebkura cita persona, kurai ir kriptovalūtas īpašumtiesības tajā pašā blokķēdē, var redzēt jūsu konta turējumus. Ir gan publiskā atslēga, kas tiek saskaņota vai ģenerēta saistībā ar privāto atslēgu.

Whenever a transaction is initiated in your crypto wallet , there is a need for extra proof that it is really you on that end. It is at this point that you have to key in the private key to authenticate the transaction. So, the private key is not anything you may wish to compromise at all.

Tātad, vai mēs varam koplietot kriptogrāfijas maku?

Kripto makam pašam nevar piekļūt, izņemot ar pareizo privāto atslēgu. Tā sakot, teorētiski varam secināt, ka maciņā monētas neglabājas, bet tas ir vārti, lai jūs varētu piekļūt savām monētām. Matemātiskais paraksts nodrošina papildu drošības līmeni, lai aizsargātu jūsu kriptovalūtas īpašumtiesības.

Ir iespējams izmantot kopīgu kriptonauda maku. Vienīgais, ka visas privātās atslēgas patiks tam pašam makam. Kā persona, kas ir reģistrējusies kriptovalūtu biržā, jūs izlemjat, cik atslēgu ir jāsaista ar maku. Tāpat jums būs jāizlemj, cik daudz privāto atslēgu, kas ir saistītas ar maku, ir nepieciešamas, lai apstiprinātu darījumu.

Take your time to know more about how to set up a shared cryptocurrency wallet . By deciding to have a shared wallet, you personally accept responsibility for possible risks that it may bring. Being that there is no banking institutions to resolve any disputes or losses that you may incur, it remains a voluntary choice for the private wallet keys and the risks as well.

Author Fredrick Awino