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There was a time when Bitcoin was brand new and the only option people had if they wanted to invest in cryptocurrency. But a lot has happened since Bitcoin took the world by storm in 2017.
At the time of writing, we are in 2022, and that means that it has been almost five years since Bitcoin became a natural part of our vocabulary. And a lot has happened in these five years. Among other things, many more cryptocurrencies have emerged:
Did you think it stopped there? Then we can inform you that it does not at all! In addition to the cryptocurrencies that are already on the market, it is in fact the case that new cryptocurrencies are appearing all the time.
The crypto industry is an industry that is constantly evolving, and in this article we will take a closer look at which cryptocurrencies we believe will accelerate during 2022. Are there any new cryptocurrencies with potential out there, or is it a better idea to just stick to the old ones that we know so well?
It is not to be underestimated that 2021 was a very good year for the cryptocurrencies Bitcoin and Ethereum. These cryptocurrencies are often described as the largest and second largest cryptocurrency on the market, and it is of course Bitcoin that reigns supreme. place.
But when we say that 2021 was a good year for these two, it naturally refers to the fact that both of these two cryptocurrencies experienced it as in the crypto industry which is referred to as ATH, which is an abbreviation for all-time highs. In Norwegian, it simply means that their market value reached a point we have never seen before.
The market value of both Bitcoin and Ethereum was over three trillion US dollars at one time. This corresponds to a market value of 26,684,265,000 Norwegian kroner, which is without a doubt a staggeringly high number!
Due to the high market value, we can of course not throw any of these cryptocurrencies under the bus. Our theory is that these two cryptocurrencies will continue to grow, and for that reason there are probably many who are considering investing in one of these – or both – cryptocurrencies this year.
We can safely say that it will take another miracle for some of the new cryptocurrencies to whiz past Bitcoins and Ethereum on the market value ladder. But that does not mean that there are no other cryptocurrencies that will achieve good results during 2022.
We are reasonably confident that in 2022 we will see a number of cryptocurrencies achieve good results – both cryptocurrencies that we already know exist and cryptocurrencies that we have not heard of before they may take the world by storm as Bitcoin did for five years ago.
Below we have compiled a small overview of cryptocurrencies that we think you should pay extra attention to in 2022. This overview consists of 5 cryptocurrencies – and includes only cryptocurrencies you have heard of before and cryptocurrencies that may be completely new to you.
Cardano (ADA) has one thing in common with Ethereum (ETH), and that is that Cardano is also the first cryptocurrency with a completely new function. It was through Etherum that the smart contract function was introduced. With Cardano, Ouroboros was introduced.
Ouroboros is a consensus algorithm that makes the blockchain in Cardano have a number of good features. This specific algorithm leads to an energy efficient blockchain that is at the same time flexible. It also makes the blockchain scalable and secure at once.
Cardano has also been inspired by Ethereum by including a number of smart contract scripts in its code. With over 1200 smart contract scripts in the code, Cardano is considered to be one of the most stable platforms in the crypto market.
However, it is not Cardano that this cryptocurrency goes under to normal. Every cryptocurrency has an associated symbol, and in this case the symbol is ADA. Cardano has a market value of a total of 56 billion dollars – equivalent to 497,571,200,000 Norwegian kroner.
Axie Infinity Shards is perhaps a term that someone has heard before. In that case, it is because there is also a cryptocurrency with almost exactly the same name. The video game is called Axie Infinity, while the cryptocurrency is called Axie Infinity Shards – often abbreviated to AXS.
Due to the link to the video game Axie Infinity, many people choose to describe Axie Infinity Shards as a kind of marketplace for NFTs. Axie Infinity Shards is so much more than just a cryptocurrency. These are some of the things Axie Infinity Shards users will have the opportunity to do:
In other words, Axie Infinity Shards is much more than just a cryptocurrency you can invest in and use as a means of payment, which can lead to many more people opening their eyes to it. Therefore, it will be very interesting to follow the development of this token.
In recent years, we have seen a growing interest in connection with NFT, and this makes us very confident that Axie Infinity Shards will experience a growing interest also in 2022. This is also shown in the market value of cryptocurrency, which is now around 5.9 billion US dollars.
After this video, you are guaranteed to know more about AXS:
Another cryptocurrency that has been in a good period in 2021 is the cryptocurrency Decentraland. However, this is a rather long name, which has led to it being given a much shorter symbol. Decentraland’s symbol is MANA.
As we have seen above, the developers of Axie Infinity Shards have taken inspiration from the video game world. In this world, NFT plays an important role, and there is no reason to believe that this is a development that will reverse during 2022. Late in 2021, Facebook changed its name to Meta, which was the start of the process of stake out a new course.
According to Decentraland itself, they are based on the same blockchain on which the cryptocurrency Ethereum is based. And with that as a starting point, they have developed a platform that is based on the idea of a virtual reality where you have the opportunity to both create, experience and make money on this blockchain.
At the time of writing, however, there are many indications that Decentraland is the cryptocurrency that will play an important role in this development. The total market value of this cryptocurrency is around $ 6 billion. Axie Infinity Shards follows just behind.
This is Decentraland. The video explains what it’s about and why you should follow:
Like Decentraland, Sandbox is a developer based on the same blockchain that Ethereum is based on. Decentraland and Sandbox also have several similarities, in that both are metavers. Sandbox can also be used to generate revenue for ASSETs.
Like most other players in the crypto universe, Sandbox is a decentralized player. Also in this meta-verse, NFT plays an important role. There are several well-known profiles who have spoken warmly about this new invention, both in the gaming world and in other industries:
That in itself is of course pretty cool, but that’s not why we think Sandbox, or SAND, will pick up speed in 2022. Like most other cryptocurrencies, this is a cryptocurrency with high volatility, which leads to good investment opportunities.
At the time of writing, Sandbox has a market value of $ 4.9 billion!
Here you get an introduction to how Sandbox works:
Like the developers of Axie Infinity Shard, the developers of Aave have taken inspiration from another place. Thus, it is not uncommon for Aave to be referred to as a financial protocol that is decentralized. This protocol is relevant in connection with loans in the crypto industry.
As the financial protocol is decentralized, the financial processes are carried out without intermediaries. In practice, this means that transactions carried out via Aave are associated with low fees and high interest rates, which leads to increased security and transparency.
The fact that this financial protocol has been decentralized has also led to another thing, and that is the emergence of the term DeFi. The currency in Aave is often called DeFi coins, and at the time of writing, these coins are considered to be the largest in their category.
Aave has the symbol AAVE, has also had an increase of 1000 percent in the last year. At the time of writing, the market value of cryptocurrency is around $ 8 billion. So that means two things: You should pay close attention to the coming year, and that Aave can be a good investment.
A video clip about AAVE: