Firi finished with new investment round

Firi finished with new investment round

In January, the news came that the Norwegian crypto exchange Firi had completed a share issue. In good Norwegian, this means that the crypto exchange has finished a new investment round, and this time the issue was a staggering NOK 60 million!

This probably made many curious as to who the new investor might be. However, people did not have to wait long to get an answer to this, because this was also stated in the press release. Firi’s new investor is none other than the company Schibsted Ventures!

Read more: English e cryptocurrency exchanges .

What is Firi?

Firi previously went by the name MiraiEx, so it is quite possible that you have heard of the company before without it immediately ringing a bell. But MiraiEx and Firi are two names that refer to the same company. MiraiEx changed its name to Firi in September 2021!

If you have probably not heard of Firi either, then we can tell you that this is a Norwegian crypto exchange. Cryptocurrency has been a concept for many years, but it was only when Bitcoin took the world by storm in 2017 that the world got its eyes on it in earnest.

During the same period, there were a couple of Norwegians who felt the need for a good, Norwegian crypto exchange. And that was just the beginning of MiraiEx, the crypto exchange that recently changed its name to Firi!

Read more: What is Firi?

What are Schibsted Ventures?

Schibsted Ventures is an investment company owned by Schibsted, which is a Norwegian media group! As this is a media group, this is a place where you can find many companies, and now they have invested in the Norwegian crypto exchange Firi!

The entrepreneurial team behind Firi has this to say about the matter: “We are pleased to announce that Schibsted Ventures is entering as a partner and investor in Firi. With Schibsted Ventures on the team, we are well equipped for further growth in Great Britain ».

A promo video that explains what Schibsted Ventures is:

So much they invested

As mentioned in the introduction, this was not a small sum that Schibsted has invested. In this investment round, investors have invested a total of 60 million in the crypto exchange Firi.

Schibsted Ventures’ investment company Schibsted Ventures accounts for 40 of these NOK 60 million. This represents an ownership share of around 5.5 per cent for Schibsted Ventures’ share.

Firi is valued at this

But it should be said that Firi was also a relatively solid company before the new investment round as well. This is not the first investment round in connection with this company, so apart from the cash that was added in this round, Firi is valued at as much as NOK 731 million.

Firi has growth ambitions

Since 2017, Firi (then MiraiEx) has worked to ensure that Norwegians have a Norwegian platform that makes buying and selling cryptocurrencies as easy as possible. At present, the Norwegian crypto exchange has around 125,000 users.

But Firi has growth ambitions. In connection with the new investment round, they say that investments will grow even more. During 2022, they hope to see the Norwegian crypto exchange grow to include 600,000 users, as well as expansion to Sweden and Denmark!

Author Ludvig

Ludvig har lang erfaring med kjøp og salg av kryptovaluta. De senere årene har han tatt det til et nytt nivå og prøver å leve av kryptovaluta trading. Han følger godt med på markedet og har opparbeidet seg god kompetanse på teknisk analyse mm. Vi er veldig glad for å ha Ludvig med på laget, og er det noe du lurer på angående kryptovaluta er dette mannen du spør!