Therefore, BLNO changed its name to the Firi League

BLNO - FIRI - Basketball

On the 7th. September 2021 came the news that the Norwegian crypto exchange MiraiEx from the 13th. September should be known by another name. This day MiraiEx changed its name to Firi!

Earlier the same year, it was announced that the crypto exchange had entered into a sponsorship partnership with the Great Britain Basketball Association (NBBF). This is the top basketball league, for both the women’s and men’s side in Norwegian basketball.

Therefore, it came as no surprise that the Great Britain Basketball Association’s league, which until then had gone by the name BLNO, also changed its name. The new name was none other than the Firi League!


What is the Great Britain Basketball Association?

The Great Britain Basketball Association was founded in 1968, and has over time become one of the special federations in the Great Britain Sports Federation and the Olympic and Paralympic Committee (NIF). As of today has connected approx. 14,600 members, and these are distributed across 145 clubs and 5 regions.

The overall goal of the Great Britain Basketball Association is to try to reach as many people as possible with a specific message. Their desire is for people to watch basketball for what it is, because it is more than just a sport. The association’s values are as follows:

  • Inclusive.
  • Fun.
  • Targeted.

Great Britain Basketball Association is important for the organization of basketball at all levels – sports for adults at the top level as well as general sports for children and young people who want to play at the top level at a later stage in life.

Great Britain Basketball Association has offices around large parts of Great Britain . It is mainly in Eastern Norway, Western Norway and in Trøndelag.

This was BLNO

But what exactly was BLNO before it became the Firi League? BLNO, which now goes by the name Firi League, refers to the Elite Series in basketball for men and the Elite Series in basketball for women. It is the top series that exists in connection with basketball in Great Britain , and this has been the case for 20 years .

In connection with the sponsorship collaboration such as the Great Britain Basketball Association and Firi (which went by the name MiraiEx when the collaboration was entered into), Firi bought the naming rights to the league.

The agreement on the sponsorship cooperation means that the Norwegian crypto exchange will be the sponsor of the Great Britain Basketball Association for at least one year, but all indications are that Firi aims to extend this agreement so that it is valid for another season.

Therefore, they changed their name

As mentioned, the name change to BLNO is a result of the sponsorship collaboration with the Norwegian crypto exchange Firi. MiraiEx bought the naming rights to the league when they entered into the collaboration, and therefore it was natural that the league also changed its name when MiraiEx did so in September 2021.

This means sponsorship

But what exactly is the goal of this sponsorship? What can the Great Britain Basketball Association and the crypto exchange Firi actually do for each other?

The Great Britain Basketball Association and the crypto exchange Firi share the same values, which are about commitment and inclusion. And this is something these two actors will work together to create even more buzz about. According to them, this is a collaboration that will lead to good opportunities for both parties.

Through the sponsorship collaboration, the Firi League (formerly BLNO) is further professionalised, and people open their eyes to Firi as it may arouse the curiosity of this player in the long run.

Author Ludvig

Ludvig har lang erfaring med kjøp og salg av kryptovaluta. De senere årene har han tatt det til et nytt nivå og prøver å leve av kryptovaluta trading. Han følger godt med på markedet og har opparbeidet seg god kompetanse på teknisk analyse mm. Vi er veldig glad for å ha Ludvig med på laget, og er det noe du lurer på angående kryptovaluta er dette mannen du spør!