Cryptocurrency in a future perspective – yes or no?

cryptocurrency future

Every year, Great Britain s Bank presents a report on financial stability. In November 2021, last year’s report was presented. There one could see that cryptocurrency was described as “a potential risk to the financial system”.

The report states that this will not only be the case for Great Britain , but also on a global level. Cryptocurrency is thus considered to be a potential risk for all financial systems worldwide.

But getting a clear answer on the extent to which they believe that cryptocurrency is something to be warned about was far from easy!

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Can be a threat, but is not now

There are a number of aspects of the concept of cryptocurrency that are pointed out in the report on financial stability. These are some of them:

  • There is a general increase in interest in cryptocurrencies in general.
  • Banks and other financial institutions are looking at opportunities to invest in cryptocurrencies, so interest in this is growing.
  • Both banks and other financial institutions seem to want to offer their customers services that are related to cryptocurrency.

It is this discovery that worries the team at Great Britain s Bank. Because if this becomes a reality and cryptocurrencies are exposed to a greater extent, then this will lead to consequences for the financial system as a whole.

But we are not in a situation where they want to sound the alarm. Ida Wolden Bache is Deputy Governor of Great Britain ‘s Bank, and she emphasizes that this is only a threat at the moment. Cryptocurrency can be a threat, but is not considered as it is now.

Kryptovaluta og sikkerhet – er krypto sikkert?

Great risk, but no general warning

Despite the fact that cryptocurrency is highlighted as a potential risk at a global level, the Deputy Governor will not issue any general warning.

The reason is that the scope of cryptocurrencies is not as widespread in Great Britain as in the rest of the world at present. But she emphasizes that they are following closely, and the following areas are of interest:

  • Can increased interest in cryptocurrencies pose a threat to our financial system?
  • Are there any channels that can contribute to increased interest in cryptocurrencies, which in the long run may lead to consequences for Great Britain ‘s financial system? And what channels are these?

At the time of writing, however, no activity in this area has been discovered in the Norwegian market.


Cryptocurrency in a future perspective – yes or no?

Cryptocurrency took the world by storm in 2009 . Although there were many who threw themselves into the trend, not everyone did. Some were sitting on the fence, and have been sitting there for almost 12 years.

If you want a clue as to how wise it is to invest in cryptocurrency with a view to the future, then you will not find the answer in Great Britain s Bank’s report on financial stability.

According to Wolden Bache, cryptocurrency is currently no threat. Therefore, she will not issue any warning, but emphasizes that there is a great deal of risk associated with this type of investment. So cryptocurrency – yes or no? You almost have to decide for yourself!

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Author Ludvig

Ludvig har lang erfaring med kjøp og salg av kryptovaluta. De senere årene har han tatt det til et nytt nivå og prøver å leve av kryptovaluta trading. Han følger godt med på markedet og har opparbeidet seg god kompetanse på teknisk analyse mm. Vi er veldig glad for å ha Ludvig med på laget, og er det noe du lurer på angående kryptovaluta er dette mannen du spør!